Thursday, 26 July 2012

CAR BATTERIES Could be used for renewable energy storage

Huge banks of car batteries can be used to store collected energy

Car makers have used lead-acid batteries in their new cars because they are very reliable, stable and cheap. Now an American battery maker, is using the century old technology to store energy that is generated by renewable sources and feed s it back onto the American electric power grid on demand.
The company in question is called Axion who recently have announced the first successful industrial deployment of electricity storage onto the PJM Interconnection, a major power connection that manages power transmission in 13 American states and also Washington D.C. This was a truly remarkable breakthrough for this ingenious company.
The size of the power plant is an half-megawatt system,called the “Power Cube”, is no more than a regular shipping container packed with electronic devices and batteries that are made by Axion themselves.. Axions top man says that the new power store facility “will provide power for the times when the wind isn’t blowing and absorbs the power” when the main electric grid is overloaded. This will produce enough electricity to power homes in a small town.
Storing the surplus electricity matters, and the importance of storage will grow due to the amount of electricity generated by renewable sources, such as wind farms and solar panel farms. It is estimated the amount of renewable energy that is produced will double in the next 20 to 30 years making energy storage a very strategic part of the whole renewable energy scene. That means backup power to compensate for intermittent electricity usage will be even more important as time goes on. One of the problems of the past has been that the storage is either too expensive or that it requires too much looking after and maintaining. This container packed with car batteries may be one of the answers.

Axion use modified car batteries

Most of Axion’s car batteries technology achievements,are made in two factories in the USA. Every made about these batteries is the same as the normal 12 volt AGM car batteries. The only difference is that negative plate , usually made of lead is now made of a Carbon substance. These modified car batteries work out to be far less expensive as Lithium batteries and probably last 3 or 4 times longer .
To read further information please click onto the link bellow.

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